Welcome to one of the most accurate and informative websites around. This website exists to help women gain the facts they need to make decisions that are best for themselves and their situations.
Because Women Deserve Better...Than Abortion.
President Crystal Latimer (440) 466-7441
Vice-President Catherine Schmidt (440) 466-6414
Meeting Dates
See latest newsletter for more information.
March 10 & 11, 2023 – BABL Pro-Life Convention, Independence, OH
Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023 – Regular Meeting, 7 PM
Meetings are the third Tuesday of every odd numbered Month, starting in January, at 7pm.
Directions to our meeting -
Gateway Church (formerly the First Assembly of God)
2300 Austinburg Road, Ashtabula, OH 44004
Park in back lot.
Blankets of Love Program
Do you like to knit, crochet or quilt? Please consider donating your blankets to FFL for the Blankets of Love program. We provide baby blankets for Birthcare, Fresh Start, GRADS, and WIC. We have created a little card shaped like a diaper to attach to each blanket donated, indicating to each recipient God ’s love and that the blanket was handmade by a Friends for Life volunteer.
Contact Ashtabula County Friends For Life, P.O. Box 242, Geneva, OH 44041, Phone: (440) 466-7441 or e-mail: ashfriendsforlife@yahoo.com

Annual Membership renewal
Download the latest Newsletter on Newsletter page for Annual Membership renewal form. or print this page and clip out this section to mail in. Ashtabula County Friends for Life Annual Membership Drive Membership Level Check one
______Bronze ($10) ______Silver ($25) _____Gold ($50) Name _________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ Email___________________________________ Make check payable to:
Friends for Life and mail to: PO Box 242, Geneva, 44041 Include your email address if you would like to receive newsletters electronically.
Click on each topic on the right to learn how:
- Babies develop in the womb- Fetal Development
- Abortions are performed- Abortion Methods
- Abortion hurts women- Women's Health Risks
- Women can heal after an abortion - Post-Abortion Healing
- Abortion workers view abortion- Abortion Workers Talk
- You can counsel a women contemplating abortion- How To Counsel - Counseling
- Embryonic stem cells are not the cure of the future- Stem Cell Research
- Your birth control may be killing your pre born children- Abortifacient Birth Control
- "Safe sex" has wreaked havoc on entire generations- "Safe Sex" Myths
Amanda was only 14 when she talked with a young woman named Laura about unintended pregnancy and abortion. Later, Laura discovered that she was pregnant. Because of her conversations with Amanda, Laura chose to keep her baby. Through the witness of Amanda and her family, Laura and her boyfriend later came to Christ. JFA equipped Amanda, and we would love to equip your church or youth group as well.
Justice For All facilitates interactive training for churches, youth groups, and other groups. Our trainers help people to understand the reality of abortion as well as how to talk about it in a way that balances truth and love. Some of the young men and women in your church or youth group may one day face an unintended pregnancy. Others may have the opportunity to speak into the life of a friend who is pregnant. Justice For All equips Christians to respond to this difficult issue in a Christ-like manner. Please contact Kaitlyn Donihue at 517-435-8812 or kaitlyn.donihue@jfaweb.org with any questions or to schedule a training.
Justice For All Training Available
Connect to Deeper Still:
Are you or a loved one hurting from a past abortion? Would you like to talk to someone who understands your pain and really cares? The Deeper Still team is here for you. We would love to be a listening ear and a support to you in your healing journey.
Deeper Still offers free retreats for men and women who have lost children to abortion. We are committed to supporting you and helping you move forward in your healing journey. We are also committed to your confidentiality. Please reach out to us.
We want you to walk forward in healing and freedom.
Call us at (517) 435-8812
or email us at deeperstillnortheastohio@gmail.com