Abortion Risks and Women's Health
“In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little attention and so underrated in its potential hazards as abortion. It is a commonly held view that complications are inevitable.” Dr. Warren Hern, world renowned abortionist
Surgical Abortion Complications
Approximately 10% of women undergoing abortion will suffer immediate complications, of which about one-fifth are considered life threatening. Women who have multiple abortions face a much greater risk of experiencing these same complications.
Uterine Perforation
Between 2 and 3% of all abortion patients may suffer perforation of the uterus. The risk is increased for women who have previously given birth and for those who receive general anesthesia at the time of abortion. Bladder Injury This can cause peritonitis (an inflamed, infected lining of the abdomen), with all its pain, dangers and necessary reparative surgery. Bowel InjuryThis will cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, blood in stool, peritonitis, and death if not treated quickly enough. A portion of the intestine may have been taken out, and a temporary or permanent colostomy may be put in your abdomen. This can cause peritonitis (an inflamed, infected lining of the abdomen), with all its pain, dangers and necessary reparative surgery.
Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. After an abortion you are 8 to 20 times more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy. If not discovered soon enough, an ectopic pregnancy ruptures, and you can bleed to death without emergency surgery. Statistics show a 30% increased risk of ectopic pregnancy after one abortion and a 160% increased risk after two or more abortions. There had been a threefold increase in ectopic pregnancies in the U.S. in the decade immediately following legalizing abortion (1970-1980).
Effects on Future Pregnancies:
- If you have an abortion, You will be more likely to bleed in the first three months of future pregnancies.
- You will need more manual removal of placenta more often and there will be more complications with expelling the baby and the placenta.
- Your next baby will be twice as likely to die in the first few months of life.
- Your next baby will be 3 to 4 times as likely to die in the last months of his first year of life.
- Your next baby is more likely to be born prematurely or with a low birth weight with all the dangerous and costly problems that entails.
Failed Abortion
Sometimes an abortionist fails to evacuate the placenta, parts of the baby, umbilical cord or amniotic sac from the mother’s body causing pain, bleeding or a low-grade fever. Besides antibiotics and possible hospitalization, you may require additional surgery to remove these remaining pieces. Failure to successfully abort the unborn younger than 6 weeks is relatively common.
One to fourteen percent of women require a blood transfusion due to bleeding from an abortion.
This can occur if you have to have a blood transfusion after an abortion.
Mild fever and sometimes death occurs when there is an infection from an abortion. This happens in anywhere from 2-25% of women.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
PID is a potentially life threatening disease which can lead to an increase risk of ectopic pregnancy and reduced fertility.Of the 20-27% of abortion patients who have a chlamydia infection at the time of the abortion, 23% of them will develop PID within 4 weeks compared to the 5% of patients not infected with chlamydia.
Laceration of the Cervix
About 5% of women suffer this during an abortion.This causes you to have nearly a 50/50 chance of miscarrying in your next pregnancy if it is not treated properly during that pregnancy.
More Miscarriages Later
Women who have had two or more abortions have twice as many first trimester miscarriages in later pregnancies. There is a tenfold increase in the number of second trimester miscarriages in pregnancies that follow an abortion.
Placenta Previa
Placenta previa occurs 6 to 15 times more often after a woman has had an abortion. In this condition your baby’s placenta lies over the exit from the uterus so that the placenta has to be delivered before the baby can get out. This sometimes causes the mother to bleed severely and the baby die.
Rh Incompatibility
Your doctor should be sure of your baby’s Rh blood type if you are Rh-negative, so that he can protect you and your next baby against future Rh incompatibilities. These Rh incompatibilities
- may cause future babies to be born dead
- can require that future babies will need transfusions soon after birth
- may cause future babies to die soon after birth
Severe, Rapid Bleeding
You may develop DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy) from your abortion. This means your blood does not clot and you will bleed uncontrollably. DIC is extremely life threatening and difficult to treat. It occurs in 2-out-of-1,000 second trimester abortions and 6.6-out-of-1,000 (nearly 1-in-150) saline abortions. Sterility After an abortion you may become sterile. This happens in 2-5% of women. The risk of secondary infertility among women with at least one induced abortion is 3-4 times greater than among women you have not aborted.
Unrecognized Ectopic Pregnancy
Your doctor may try to abort the baby but be unsuccessful because it is developing in your fallopian tube. Unfortunately this tubal pregnancy ruptures later and emergency surgery must be done to save your life. All women in their first trimester should have an ultrasound to make sure they do not have an ectopic pregnancy.
The best record based study of death following pregnancy and abortion found that women who abort are approximately 4 times more likely to die in the following year than women who carry their pregnancies to term.
Breast Cancer Risks Increase
If a woman interrupts her pregnancy in its early phase, she in effect stops the development of the cells at this unstable, transitional phase. Cancerous changes occur more frequently among these transitional cells. If she aborts more than once before completing a pregnancy, her chance for cancer increases even more, a 3-4 fold increase. Since the legalization of abortion, breast cancer rates have doubled, and continue to climb. Conversely, a woman who is pregnant when diagnosed with breast cancer or who gets pregnant after breast cancer, is much more likely to be cured if she delivers a live baby instead of aborting.
More Deadly Breast Cancer
Moreover, there are several studies which show that abortion causes a more rapidly growing cancer, having more signs of cancers that are harder to treat 1, and is more invasive and more aggressive 2. The cancer comes back on average in a shorter period of time and women die more readily from the cancer 3.
- As of January 1999, 25 out of 31 studies worldwide show more breast cancer among women who aborted.
- In 1981, researchers in Southern California found that an abortion before the first live birth increased risk by 140%.
- In 1989, New York State Department of Health data showed that any induced abortion increased risk by 90%, while back to back abortions increased risk by 300%.
- A 1994 study in Seattle shows that abortions done on minors increase risk by 150%.
- A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that post abortive African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer.
- Andrieu et al (1994)7 found that women who had a family history of breast cancer and who had two or more abortions had a 600% increased risk
- Dr. Janet Daling’s 6 study in 1994 received worldwide publicity. She found:
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Supportive Research is Plentiful
- An induced abortion increased the risk of breast cancer before age 45 by 50%.
- If done after age 30, in increased by 110%.
- If she had a family member with breast cancer and aborted after age 30, her risk increased by 270%
- All 12 women in the study with such a family member, who aborted before age 18, got breast cancer before she turned age 45.
- Women younger than age 18 who had an abortion experienced a 150% increase risk. This became an 800% increased risk if they had their abortions between the 9th and 24th week of pregnancy.