Pro-Lifers Can...
- Place a pro-life bumper sticker on your car.
- Put pro-life envelope stickers on all outgoing mail, both on the part of the bill that is returned and on the outside envelope.
- Purchase and use prolife checks.
- Wear a “Precious Feet” pin.
- Pray for everyone involved in the abortion industry.
- Pray for the women who have aborted and may be suffering from Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS).
- Pray for those women and their pre-born babies who may be contemplating abortion.
- Pray for our nation’s heart to once again respect life and return legal protection to the pre-born. Pray for our governmental leaders, both pro-life and pro-abortion.
- Pray for those women and their pre-born babies who may be contemplating abortion.
- Pray for the pro-life activists..
- Write letters to your congressmen when legislation concerning abortion comes up for discussion or voting. A brief note telling which way you want him/her to vote can be easily written in a sentence or two.

- Write letters to your congressmen when legislation concerning abortion comes up for discussion or voting. A brief note telling which way you want him/her to vote can be easily written in a sentence or two.
- Sign pro-life petitions.
- Join your local pro-life organization to keep up to date with recent happenings. Support them financially. Volunteer your time and talents.
- Write letters to the newspaper editor concerning pro-life issues.
- Talk to your pastor about activating your church in the pro-life ministry.
- Arrange for a pro-life speaker to do a presentation at your church or civic group.
- Borrow or purchase pro-life videos and literature to show and pass out at your church or civic group.
- Share pro-life literature with friends at school.
- Volunteer or donate baby items to your local crisis pregnancy center. Hold a baby shower for them at your church or civic group.
- Picket an abortion clinic or family planning business.
- Go to yard sales and buy baby clothes and equipment and donate them to your local crisis pregnancy center.
- Join pro-life marches and events.
- Post pro-life fliers anywhere you can: community bulletin boards in libraries, grocery stores, health clinics, stores, Laundromats, in office cubicles, etc.
- Educate yourself. Subscribe to pro-life newsletters. Surf the internet for information.
- Teach your children to respect life at every stage of life. Teach them fetal development and abortion risks. Keep an open line of communication with your teens to prevent the circumstances that often result in abortion.
- Attend meetings of your local pro-life organization to learn how you can help. It may be as simple as addressing and stuffing envelopes, or you may be able to share with them your ideas.
- Wear pro-life t-shirts and sweatshirts or sport a pro-life button on your shirt or jacket.
- Youth leaders can teach the beauty of life in the womb.
- Do school reports and debates on the pro-life/abortion issue.Seek to get pro-life and abstinence material into your school’s guidance counselor’s office.
- Vote for pro-life candidates. Even on the local level, elected officials often move on to state and federal offices later in their political careers. Vote for pro-abstinence school board officials.
To read “What Can I Do to STOP Abortion?”, Click below