Problems After an Abortion?
or Birthright of
Ashtabula County
How you can help others recover from many diseases
Your baby’s umbilical cord blood carries special cells, referred to as stem cells. These unique cells have the potential to treat certain diseases and disorders.
This process is the collection of your baby’s cord blood from the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after birth, and then processing and storing the cord blood unit containing stem cells.
This may help many people if they can get contributed umbilical cords after their babie(s) are born. We are including the link above here to help them.
One More Soul
Links on this page are resources for your convenience and
Ashtabula County Friends For Life
does not necessarily endorse all that the entities recommend or do.
National Helplines
Pregnancy Help
American Rights Coalition
Problems After an Abortion?
Toll-Free In Northeastern Ohio:
(216) 334-2965
Cuyahoga County
Regional Resources,
Northeastern Ohio Pregnancy Care
(440) 284-1010
(440) 209-9615
between 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Monday through Friday
(800) 824-9633
Housing for Pregnant Women, Cuyahoga County
Angeline Home, Cleveland West (21
The Open Door Maternity Home, Euclid, OH email:nodonnell2@juno.com
Friends For Life, Geneva
(this website)
(440) 209-9615
(800) 482-4100
(216) 631-7518
(216) 289-7050
(513) 729-3600
(614) 547-0099
(800) 307-7685
(440) 466-7441
(216) 334-2965
(800) 395-4357
(440) 964-3260
(800) 866-4666
Nurturing Network
(440) 992-2121
(800) 238-4269
(800) 848-5683
(940) 380-8800
(540) 659-4171
(440) 255-5257
(440) 729-7717
(513) 471-2000
(216) 661-3000
(216) 662-5700
(216) 243-2520
(800) 550-4900
(216) 486-2800
(440) 286-9711
(216) 228-5998
(440) 975-9055
(216) 661-6400
Please note that the Links, that take you to a different page when you click on them, are always colored in The or Green markers are when there is a Phone Number available for you to call.
(216) 371-4848
(614) 444-4411
(216) 999-9500 Voice Mail
(888) 735-3448