Abortion Methods
Abortion in the United States is legal through all nine months of pregnancy. More than 4,000 surgical abortions are performed every day in our nation. Millions more pre-born children are killed by “contraceptive” chemicals in popular birth control methods. The types of abortions performed during various stages of development differ greatly because as the child grows, she becomes harder to kill.
Fertilization through 3 months
The “pill”, “mini-pill”, Depo-Provera, Norplant, IUD, and “emergency contraception” (morning after pill) alter the lining of the womb (uterus), rendering it hostile so that the implantation of the newly created child at 5-7 days cannot occur, causing his or her death. Women using these birth control methods are unaware when a baby is conceived and is killed.
RU-486 is used between the 4th and 7th week and causes the nutrient lining of the womb to slough off, starving the tiny baby to death. Finally, muscular contractions push the baby out of the uterus.
The woman is administered the drug and sent home to wait as the bleeding begins. At least 20% of women don’t abort until some hours or days later. It has taken as long as 12 days. The woman is to save whatever passes in a jar and bring it back to the doctor to see if everything is out.
" RU-486 is an appalling psychological ordeal.” Edouard Sakiz, Roussel Uclef (manufacturer of RU-486)
In this most common abortion method the cervix is dilated and a hollow tube with a knife-edged tip is inserted into the uterus. The suction machine, 29 times more powerful than a vacuum, rips the baby apart and sucks him into a bottle. The abortionist’s assistant then puts the baby back together like a puzzle to make sure no parts of the baby were left in the womb.
"The sound of the suction machine haunts me to this day. I cannot vacuum a floor without thinking of my abortion." Judy Mamou Dilation and Curettage (D&C) A loop-shaped knife is inserted into the uterus and slices the baby to pieces and is then scraped out. 4 to 6 Months Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) Because the bones of the baby are solidly formed by 12 weeks, the abortionist must use an instrument that resembles pliers to grab hold of the baby’s body parts and rips them from the baby’s body. "The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current.” Warren Hern, abortionist
A 20% salt solution is injected into the sac and mixes with the amniotic fluid. The baby breathes and swallows this caustic fluid and dies painfully over a period of hours from salt poisoning, dehydration, brain hemorrhage, and convulsions. The mother goes into labor about a day later and delivers a badly burned, dead baby.
A hormone is injected into the mother’s uterine muscle and produces violent contractions. The baby is either crushed to death by the contractions or delivered barely alive and left to die.
7 Months through Birth
Partial Birth (D&X)
After several days of forced dilation of the mouth of the womb, forceps are inserted and used to pull one of the baby’s legs through the birth canal. The baby’s body is fully delivered, with the head remaining still inside the birth canal. The abortionist then punctures the back of the baby’s head with sharp scissors, inserts a tube and vacuums out the baby’s brain. The now-dead baby is completely delivered. This is the method of choice for baby parts harvesting, where the baby is dissected and her fresh body parts are sold for research and profit.
This is simply a Cesarean section where the mother’s abdomen and womb are surgically opened and the baby is lifted out. The baby is either left to die or is killed by the abortionist just before or shortly after birth by drowning, stabbing, choking, or suffocating her.
"The doctors would remove the fetus while performing hysterectomies and then lay it on the table, where it would squirm until it died...They all had perfect forms and shapes. I couldn’t take it, no nurse could."- former Planned Parenthood director. Link with related information

"If the abortion is well done, we don’t have to watch the baby die. So we inject a salt solution. The result is like putting salt on a slug, but we don’t have to watch it.” Dr. Russell Sacco, M.D.
